Market day

I just got back from the market and it was amazing! I spent the whole day looking at all the unusual goods on offer.

I even found a little local eatery where I ended up having a late breakfast. It was so surreal sitting there and watching all the local people going about their normal daily lives. I kept thinking that for them this is just another ordinary day, but for me everything is new and exotic. The hot desert air smelled of unknown spices and sweet tea. I will have to see if I can find a book on local cuisine so I can figure out what everything is called, but until then I will just enjoy it.

I bought myself a small tent and stocked up on some dry food and something called, Shower in a Can. I have not yet had time to try this out but the merchant assured me I will find it very useful once I'm away from the comforts of base camp.

Here is a picture of the market and the little eatery I found today.

Its getting late and the stars are coming out, its unreal to see just how bright they shine without all the city lights getting in the way.

Now it is time for me to say, good night and sleep tight, for tomorrow will be another busy day.



  1. sounds funny!wish i could find some time to buy world adventures and play it :(

  2. Its my favorite ep so far - I just love it!
