My new pastime

The desert sun seemed extra hot after all the time I spend in the cold dark tomb. The journey back to Camp Moon felt much shorter as my head was swimming with ideas and possibilities, even as I was walking away from the tomb I was already planning my next exploration.

I set out from Camp Moon at daybreak and headed back to Base Camp. I realised I must have completely lost track of time while exploring the tomb as by the time I got back there was just enough time to gather all my belongings before catching the ferry to the airport for my flight home.

I was really sad to go, there was still so much I wanted to see and do but unfortunately that is just the way life goes. I hope one of these days I will be granted a longer stay visa so I don't have to leave so soon.

By my second day back home I was starting to get restless again, I spend hours examining all the bits and pieces of artifacts that I found back in Al Simhara but I really needed something to keep me busy.

I found the answer the next morning in the add section of my local newspaper, SimPools were having a special on swimming pool installations, apparently they can install a brand new pool in only three days. I phoned them up and then spend the next few days watching in amazement as they transformed the empty space in my back yard into a beautiful sparkling pool.

It took quite some time to fill the pool but by the evening of the fourth day I was able to take my first swim in my new pool. I just love it, I went and bought two pool side loungers and a shade umbrella, now I basically live in my back yard, when I'm not swimming I sit by the pool side playing games on my laptop, its the perfect way to relax.



  1. Hi Harriet, I'm Savannah! I'm a traveler like you. Ever since I was little I've always fantasized about traveling and now I do just that. Check out my travel-log at

  2. Hi Savannah, thank you for stopping its great to meet a fellow traveler - I can't wait to read up on your travels - Harriet

  3. Really nice looking pool!
